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What's Next Not What If

How many of us 20-somethings are following those we see on our Instagram accounts (owned by the 20-somethings) and buying what they are selling? Like actually buying? And I mean believing the girl that uses Sugar Bear hair vitamins and LOVES them or the girl that tells you everything fits perfectly! I know I am constantly thinking - Is it worth $40 to have that outfit? Why would I spend that much on vitamins that looks like a snack? Or how does she have so many amazing shoes? Her style looks so effortless but it must be expensive! Instead of comparing my life to "What if" I had that, we need to change or perspective to "What's Next" now that I have that?

So if we start to think "What Next" after you imagine having bought those cute boots you saw, are they really helping you get to a better you after you have them? Are you using them to get to your next step? Okay, no pun intended, but for real where are you going next? If those boots aren't getting you there then you don't need them. If you need them for a job interview and you currently don't have any other professional shoes, then that's a good investment. Your "What Next" then turns into a higher paying job, a better working environment, and you growing your career. That's a win!

Let’s start with the environment we live in instead of making a drastic change today. The best way to change your mind set is by adjusting the THINGS you are seeing everyday. That means looking at what is in your house that can be paired down or altered to give you more financial freedom while still being stylish and confident in your home. And if you don’t have any ideas I will tell you right here in my blog. We are going to start with decor. So lace up ladies, and let’s go!

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