Some of the most attractive decorations are the most simple ones. Buy a few pumpkins, butternut squash, acorn squash and a bundle of dried corn to spruce up your living and dining area for Fall! Most of these are sold at any local grocery store or super center September-November. The best part is that you can dry out the gourds (butternut and acorn squashes) and use them again next year! The butternut squash was the most expensive Fall decor I have purchased ($6.50), so I am looking forward to sharing my gourd drying out experience with you. Stay tuned! I also bought some mixed nuts I have had my eye on at the grocery store for months and filled a jar full of them.
$6 - 5.46 lb Butternut Squash From The Grocery Store
$1 - 1.06 lb Acorn Squash From The Grocery Store
$1 - 0.50 lb Mixed Nuts From The Grocery Store
$2 - Used Pasta Sauce Jar
$10 Total
$2 - Dried Indian Corn Bundle From The Grocery Store
$1 - Small Pumpkin From The Grocery Store
$3 - Large Pumpkin From The Grocery Store
$5 Total